Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from July 2018, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Manufacturing Serendipity

I’m on the road ~100 days each year. When I’m in Seattle, I have at least 30% of my days filled with coffees, calls, and communication to folks outside the company from whom I’m seeking absolutely nothing and where my goal is merely to be helpful. I do most of this in the name of a process I now call…

Mozcon Feedback & Erica’s Letter to Speakers

I’ve written before on this blog about how we’ve been working to make Mozcon a remarkable outlier in the field of marketing conferences. Today, I received my feedback scores from Erica McGillivray, who (along with Charlene & Jen) did most of the organization and speaker wrangling for the event. I wanted so share that letter here on the blog, as…

The First 500 Links

Most of the time, when I write about SEO, I like to present facts, data, or lessons learned from numerous experiences. This post doesn’t have those (well, maybe a little on the experential side, but not nearly enough to make it a rock solid assumption). Instead, I’m going out on a limb with a suspicion about how Google’s evaluating and…

Mobile Won’t Change Everything

I constantly hear the refrain that “mobile’s going to change everything.” Everything in this context is typically presumed to mean search, social media, advertising, marketing, and the Internet broadly. Since I’m a marketing professional and a marketing-focused entrepreneur, I’ll ignore the other items and focus on the marketing part of that equation. And, perhaps weirdly, I disagree with the statement…

Exceptional Upgrade Path UX from WPEngine

I’m fascinated by the mechanics of startup marketing, customer acquisition, and revenue generation. So when I received this email for my WPEngine WordPress Hosting account (on which Dharmesh and I host, I couldn’t help but get curious: It’s hard to list all the ways this email is a work of marketing art, but I’ll start with a few of…

Domain Bias: Why Branding & Search Marketing Cannot Be Separated

Let’s say you’re visiting Phoenix, AZ for the first time. You head to Google and type in a search query for “best restaurants Phoenix,” and start a process like this: Signals like the snippet and position are important, but you’re biasing your clicks based on the brandname of the domain and the perceived trustworthiness of that brand. Thanks to some…

Events Can Be Both Wonderful & Dangerous Places to Launch

This week at Mozcon brought some big launches of new products and projects – the Google Algorithm weather forecast project, Mozcast, the new job board on, this blog, Rich Baxter’s OSE for Excel, and more. Over the years, I’ve done several big product announcements tied to events and plenty independent of them. Weirdly, in spite of pros and cons…

A Philosophy for Startup Success: Choose Short Men

One of the not-so-surprising facts about online dating is that short men and tall women tend to do poorly in comparison to their peers. If you’re a woman using an online dating sites, you can vastly increase the odds of finding a mate who matches all your criteria AND has many of the intangible qualities (humility, self-reliance, intelligence, humor, caring,…

No, I Don’t Hate Black/Gray Hat SEOs or Their Tactics

Because I often speak and write passionately about the value of white hat SEO and broader white hat inbound marketing, there seems to be a weird misconception that I must naturally despise all who engage in black or gray hat tactics. That’s definitely not the case, and I want to make the distinction clear. Doing gray/black hat? Best be sure…