Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from July 2018, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Why I’m a Conference Whore

Mark Suster, whose blog and tweets I enjoy and whose investments strike me as innovative and smart wrote a blog post in October, Be Careful Not to Become a Conference Ho, that’s been grating on me. The central tenet seems wrong, or at the least, myopic. via XKCD Granted, the Internet is filled with content I find disagreeable. But, in…

6 Lessons Learned from a Frank M+A Discussion

As a first-time entrepreneur, many of the issues I face with my startup are “for the first time.” Acquisitions definitely fit into that bucket. While I don’t have first-hand experience, I recently received some advice that resonated strongly and am sharing it here. This information and my takeaways/perspectives come (mostly) via an excellent dinner panel discussion this week hosted by…