Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from July 2018, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.
Ready to scrounge for Likes on your Stories too? Facebook Stories can feel like a ghost town even though it has 150 million daily users. So Facebook is trying to get more people who view your ephemeral content on its Snapchat clone to speak up so you keep posting. Today Facebook is bringing its Lik…
Partner & Head of Digital @AgenturFarner. Nothing is digital, everything is connected. @magneticweare @themenpuls @campaigningCH @choochootheband. Let's talk 👇
Google Partner '05, 12th year on book: @ForSaleByGoogle. Good Judgment Project, Launched 1st PC Predictive Dialer Europe '99. #marketing #media #O2O #AI #IoT
2018 Most Followed #B2B #Influencer by @whatagraph #Speaker #Marketer, Award winning College Lecturer in #SocialMedia Baruch College, #HigherEd #PhD student
Enterprise-level #SEO that believes in building a better Internet that satisfies the needs of every user. Tweets are my own and not those of my company.