It’s been a whirlwind of a few weeks, launching a new book, launching a big piece of software for Moz (my final project with the team there), and launching this new company… As I shared on Twitter:
Feels like for two years, I had nothing to launch. The occasional blog post or WB Friday notwithstanding. Then BAM. Spring 2018 is all “Here’s Link Explorer + your book + a new company + a new beta project + please amplify all these in a 30 day window, kthnxbye.”
— Rand Fishkin (@randfish) May 7, 2018
As part of the Lost and Founder‘s launch, the publisher, Penguin/Random House’s Portfolio imprint, worked with me to design and create a fun, free startup map that you can get delivered if you either have ordered Lost and Founder or if you buy it in the next two weeks (before May 23rd). The map looks like this:
It’s a kind-of throwback to the original Legend of Zelda video game from the 1980s, a game whose map (that came in an issue of the Nintendo Power magazine) I had taped to my bedroom wall until I touched it so many times it fell apart. So it was a lot of fun working with the folks at Portfolio on this giveaway map for the book.
They sent me a photo of what the physical map looks like as well — I might have to hang it in the SparkToro offices (aka, the shed behind our house) 🙂
If you’d like to get one, it’s super easy! Just go to this book page and enter your information (including your order number from Amazon, B&N, Powells, or wherever you’ve purchased). Portfolio will get one of these fun maps in the mail to you over the next few weeks.